Current game: Crystalis
Current play through: 1st
Current game completion: Can't say for sure, maybe around half way.
Current party: Joe (me)
Current levels: 6 (about 220 exp to the next level)
Current location: Mt.Saber - Southeast
Current in game clock time: Doesn't have one as far as I know, although i'm probably around the 4-5 hour mark.
How have you been using your in game time?: Grinding for exp and money. You need to be at certain levels or have the money for equipment otherwise you'll get killed by axe throwing pig men, among other things.
Current objective: Get the Tornado Bracelet and get to level 7. Plus it wouldn't hurt to have the money for the next lot of armor.
Next objective: Go through Mt. Saber - north, and probably get to level 8
Thoughts of the game at the point you are currently at: I'm really enjoying it, it's nice to play an rpg that isn't made by SE for a change. I wanted to play a challenging old rpg and Crystalis is a great example of one. The only thing that is hard is that enemies tend to hurt you when it seems like they're too far away to do so, which usually means I have to hurry back to an in because all my MP's been spent on casting Refresh.
Total game overs?: Far too many to count. I'm writing this now because I just got one.
Favorite event so far: Everything really, I've enjoyed every moment.
Favorite character and why: The main character's pretty cool, but there's not a whole lot of characterization.
Random stat you want to include: 1600 exp to level 8. And the monster's around here give you 12 exp each.
Rate the game(1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 4 for the fun factor
Comments: A fun little rpg, if you don't mind grinding for money and exp and enjoy games having some sort of difficulty, I thoroughly recommend this one. I'm sure a number of our members here can vouch for this game too.